Life Changing Private Sessions
Customized by Dr. Jan. Packages available in single, 5 or 10 packs.
Service Description
Prepare for a minimum of one hour sessions, however they may go longer based on Dr. Jan's discretion. Cost remains the same regardless of length. Many clients say that even one session with Dr. Jan is more effective than years of therapy!

Cancellation Policy
Term & Conditions The client enters into sessions with Dr. Jan Colestro and Noble Creation LLC with the full understanding that they, the client, are responsible for creating their own results. It is understood that, while the mission of Noble Creation LLC is to support you in your transformation and goals, it is your sole responsibility as the client to do the work and follow through any actions that you have committed to. Whilst you will be supported by Noble Creation LLC during your engagement of our services, all decisions on your actions and inactions are fully your own responsibility. Please feel free to share any insights or challenges you may experience via email to DrJan@NobleCreation.Solutions during your journey. The client is aware that sessions with Dr. Janice Colestro of Noble Creation LLC are in no way to be construed as a form of psychological counseling or any type of therapy. Dr. Janice Colestro is not functioning as licensed mental health professionals, and these sessions are not intended as a replacement for counseling, psychiatric intervention, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past abuse, professional medical advice, financial assistance, legal counsel, or other professional services. Dr. Jan is not acting as your provider and recommends you stay connected with and follow the advice of your medical and mental health professionals. By continuing to the appointment page, you confirm that you have read the Terms & Conditions set out in this document above and agree that Dr. Janice Colestro will not provide “answers” to your problems nor will tell you what course of action to take. You will take full ownership of the goals you set, answers you discover and actions you take based on your sessions and release Dr. Janice Colestro and Noble Creation LLC of any liability that may result from your decisions. Confidentiality: Noble Creation LLC confirms that all sessions are in full confidentiality, and that all information the client shares is regarded as completely confidential, whether it is business or personal information. Noble Creation LLC will not directly use or disclose any information shared within a session, unless prior consent is obtained. Your confidentiality and privacy are assured and your contact details will not be shared with any third party. Please note there are two exceptions to the above confidentiality statement: 1. When disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to yourself or others 2. When legal requirements demand that confidential material be revealed Cancellation Fee: As everyone's time is valuable, please let me know if you are unable to honor the time of your session ASAP. You will be charged the session fee if you do not reschedule or cancel within 48 hours prior to your session. Thank you for your understanding and mutual respect.
Contact Details